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Powering Your Warehouse Performance – SKUstream FAQ Guide

We are thrilled to present an in-depth exploration of the world of fulfillment optimization systems. But instead of creating a generic FAQ, we have decided to take a more focused and insightful approach to address your burning questions for powering your warehouse performance. In this article, we will exclusively delve into the workings of SKUstream, our industry-leading fulfillment optimization system. By doing so, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how these systems operate and how they can revolutionize your fulfillment processes. Our ultimate goal is to offer you more detailed and tailored answers, helping you unlock the true potential of these cutting-edge solutions. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey and discover the power of SKUstream together!

Whether you’re curious about its integration with other systems, its impact on various operational aspects, or its ability to provide detailed implementation of changes, this FAQ will provide you with valuable insights. Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions about SKUstream and its capabilities in maximizing productivity, efficiency, and overall throughput in distribution centers.

From product slotting to layout design, process optimization, and capacity management, SKUstream leverages operational data analytics and specialized algorithms to uncover and quantify savings. Explore the answers to your questions and discover how SKUstream can revolutionize your distribution center operations on a daily basis.

Want to know more about Fulfilment Optimization Systems? Check out this article:

What is a Fulfillment Optimization System?


  1. How does SKUstream work?
  2. Does SKUstream replace my Warehouse Management System (WMS)?
  3. Can SKUstream connect to any WMS?
  4. Who are the main users of SKUstream?
  5. How does SKUstream help improve productivity?
  6. How does SKUstream help reduce costs?
  7. How can SKUstream help design a facility?
  8. How can SKUstream help with safety and ergonomics?
  9. When does it not make sense to have SKUstream?
  10. What do I need before implementing SKUstream?
  11. How many users does SKUstream typically have?
  12. How much does SKUstream cost?
  13. How long is the typical roll out time?
  14. Is SKUstream the same as a slotting system?
  15. How often is SKUstream used?


1. How does SKUstream work?

SKUstream works by integrating with various systems, such as Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, to obtain operational data. It then applies specialized analytics and algorithms to optimize resources in the distribution center.

SKUstream makes recommendations for product slotting, facility sizing, layout design, process optimization, and capacity management, based on data analytics and considering factors like productivity, cost savings, ergonomics, and capacity utilization. These recommendations will tell you how much you can save and exactly where the savings are coming from.

2. Does SKUstream replace my Warehouse Management System (WMS)?

No, SKUstream does not replace your Warehouse Management System (WMS). Instead, it integrates with your existing WMS and other systems to enhance and optimize your operations. SKUstream works alongside your WMS, leveraging its data and providing recommendations for operational improvements.

Your WMS helps you manage your DC, SKUstream helps you optimize it.

3. Can SKUstream connect to any WMS?

Yes, SKUstream is designed to connect and integrate with a wide range of Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) and other conventional systems used in distribution centers. Its flexibility allows for seamless integration with various systems, regardless of the specific platform or software being used.

We have multiple integration options and IT teams love how little effort is required to implement SKUstream as compared to other systems used in distribution center operations.

4. Who are the main users of SKUstream?

In the distribution center there are positions that have (often unbeknownst to the people occupying them) an outsized impact in the productivity of the entire direct labor productivity: People that provide feedback to make layout design decisions and people making daily slotting decisions. SKUstream supercharges the impact of these few people.

Some of those roles include daily slotting strategists which can be inventory control managers or supervisors, really someone responsible for daily slotting of items. In addition, DC optimization strategists, or analysts that influence operational and design decisions which typically come from optimization, operational excellence or continuous improvement teams (or analyst roles within the DC team).

Finally, the leaders that ultimately drive the effort of optimizing operations and need to be informed about things like current optimization levels, opportunities as well as the effort and results the team is achieving.

All users of SKUstream are responsible for optimizing productivity, efficiency, and throughput in the distribution center. SKUstream provides them with data-driven insights and recommendations to make informed decisions and drive operational improvements.

5. How does SKUstream help improve productivity?

SKUstream helps improve productivity by optimizing various aspects of distribution center operations. It provides recommendations for product slotting, which ensures efficient placement of items to reduce travel time and improve picking efficiency. SKUstream also helps optimize layout design, pick paths, and processes, maximizing workflow efficiency. By identifying and implementing these improvements, SKUstream significantly enhances overall productivity.

6. How does SKUstream help reduce costs?

SKUstream helps reduce costs in several ways. By optimizing product slotting and layout design, it minimizes travel distances, reducing labor and equipment costs. It also aids in capacity management, ensuring optimal utilization of space, racks, and dock doors, thereby avoiding unnecessary expenses. SKUstream’s recommendations for process optimization and automation help streamline operations, improve efficiency, and eliminate costly bottlenecks.

Designing the optimal layout, with the right material handling systems (be it conventional or automated) and right-sizing the space also results in millions of dollars in CapEx saved.

Overall, SKUstream’s data-driven approach and optimization strategies lead to significant cost savings.

7. How can SKUstream help me design a facility?

SKUstream can help you design a facility by providing strategic modeling of fulfillment infrastructure requirements. It analyzes data and recommends appropriate facility sizing, including space, racks, and dock doors, based on operational needs. SKUstream considers factors such as SKU variety, throughput, growth projections, product type, safety and staffing requirements to ensure an optimized facility design that meets operational goals and improves overall efficiency.

SKUstream is highly customizable so users can include countless factors to consider for the determination of operational requirements when sizing a facility or designing a layout.

8. How can SKUstream help with safety and ergonomics?

SKUstream contributes to safety and ergonomics by optimizing pick paths, layout design, and process flows. It considers factors such as golden zoning for employee ergonomics, reducing unnecessary travel distances, and improving the overall workflow to minimize physical strain and enhance safety.

SKUstream’s recommendations for process optimization also reduce manual labor and associated risks, further enhancing safety in the distribution center.

9. When does it not make sense to have SKUstream?

SKUstream may not be suitable in situations where a distribution center has very minimal operational complexities such as small facilities with a low number of SKUs and very little staff (which typically would also not require the use of a WMS).

On the other hand, if the current operations are already optimized to their maximum potential, highly productive, efficient, and cost-effective, implementing SKUstream may not yield significant improvements or cost savings (we just haven’t encountered a site in this situation 🙂

It is essential to evaluate the specific needs and goals of the distribution center to determine if SKUstream would be a beneficial investment. Our no-obligation Strategic Opportunity Assessment is perfect for that.

10. What do I need before implementing SKUstream?

Before implementing SKUstream, you would typically need to have operational data needed for SKUstream’s analytics and optimization algorithms. This data will typically be readily available from your Warehouse Management System (WMS).

Additionally, having a clear understanding of your distribution center’s operational goals and challenges would help align SKUstream’s implementation with your specific needs. Our no-obligation Strategic Opportunity Assessment is also perfect for that.

11. How many users does SKUstream typically have?

While the number of users for SKUstream can vary depending on the size and complexity of the distribution center, it does not come close to the number of users needed for other distribution center systems such as WMS or LMS. This also makes the roll outs quite agile and allows for a more personalized training and support.

Typical implementations consist of about 3 daily users per site, plus DC managers, optimization analysts and region / network-wide executives.

12. How much does SKUstream cost?

The cost of SKUstream can vary based on factors such as the size of the distribution center, the scope of implementation, and additional customization requirements. Typically priced by site with the overall amount decreasing based on the number of sites within scope.

In the end, it is all about the ROI and we are proud to see our clients consistently get between $13 and $27 in savings for every $1 invested. To obtain a tailored quote based on your specific needs and discuss pricing details it is best to contact our sales team at info@syncontext.com

13. How long is the typical roll out time?

The roll-out time for SKUstream implementation depends on various factors, including the complexity of the distribution center, the integration process with existing systems, and the level of customization required. The first sites will naturally take the longest which can be as quickly as 8 weeks with the possibility of rolling out multiple additional sites per month.

It is advisable to consult with the SKUstream implementation team to determine a more accurate timeline based on your specific circumstances.

14. Is SKUstream the same as a slotting system?

While SKUstream includes slotting as one of its optimization components, it encompasses a broader range of functionalities and capabilities. SKUstream integrates with various systems, performs specialized analytics, and runs algorithms to optimize resources in the distribution center beyond just slotting. It considers factors like facility sizing, layout design, process optimization, and capacity management to maximize overall efficiency and productivity.

That said, SKUstream’s mass slotting and proactive, daily slotting capabilities are industry-leading.

15. How often is SKUstream used?

SKUstream is designed to be used regularly, ideally on a daily basis, to maximize its benefits. Since SKUstream leverages operational data and provides recommendations based on real-time insights, using it regularly ensures continuous optimization and keeps up with changing operational requirements. By using SKUstream frequently, distribution center teams can make data-driven decisions, implement changes promptly, and continuously improve productivity and efficiency in their operations.

For data analysts and distribution center executives, SKUstream provides the ability to recalibrate operational baselines to plan for resources needed be it capacity, square footage, direct labor or equipment. It is great to help put together annual operating and capital budgets for distribution centers.

Do you have any specific questions? Reach out below, or at info@syncontext.com we’re always happy to help.

Check out our free resources below and get in touch with us if you have any questions or need more help.  We have helped hundreds of organizations just like yours optimize their operations and we are passionate about it.

Free Opportunity Estimate – Compare your warehouse productivity to your industry peers

Strategic Opportunity Assessment – See exactly how much time, movement, space, equipment and resources you’re wasting, and what you can do to stop it.


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