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Get your FREE
Opportunity Estimate

How does your company compare to others in your field?
Are you as efficient, productive and streamlined as you could be?
How much can you expect to improve?

This free 15 minute assessment can tell you.

*Sample content. We’ll tell you how you compare to others in your industry.

Company Details

Facility Details

If your facility is made up of multilple warehouse areas or zones where direct labor productivity differs, consider adding them seperately.

This Opportunity Estimate is only designed to evaluate one facility at a time. If you’re getting estimates for multiple facilities, it might be easier to assign a name for each one.

What is your weekly volume?
What is your weekly direct labor?

What will your productivity improvements mean to your bottom line? If so, enter your hourly paid rate.

Contact Info

Demographics are confidential, and used for group statistics and assessment followup only.

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Questions? Send us an email or give us a call.